Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life iz really eazzzy, let ur heart take control..!!

One of the things that I strongly believe is, in order to understand the world better I must first understand myself. There are a lot of times when I have questioned myself as to why I am certain things and why I am not doing others. It is easy for me to ignore all these and just shrug my shoulders and say “this is what I am” - an unstable brat who does not know what he is doing. 
The fact is whatever I have done so far is not out of instinct or out of arrogance (whatever you want to call it). Anything I have done is only after thinking about it and only, I repeat, only when my heart says yes to it.
Human mind is like a monkey,,ok lets say langoor. It can jump anytime, anywhere without any control. That’s why I do not trust my mind and instead trust what my heart says . It might sound a bit strange, but the fact is the shortest way to happiness is doing what your heart wants you to do rather than allowing the mind.
On the other hand, leading from your heart will make your life more peaceful and fulfilling. Generally speaking, it is the superior choice for your personal life if things like peace, purpose, fulfillment, and inspiration are important to you. Money is required to lead a life. But so far I have never run behind it nor allowed it take “control” of my life. What I have is sufficient for my life style lets say it “auto hi sahi”. Once I let my mind take control, sadly everything else takes a back seat - relationships, health, social life. Migraine.. etc.. etc… I get turned into a machine out to achieve a certain goal and it means losing a lot of other things. In my quest to earn more and more, I would simply forget to live and repent for it at a later point in life when it is of no use trying to live again. I dnt want 2 do that…!!! 
The great thing about listening to my heart is I never have to fight my emotions..smtimes it is eazyy. Instead I embrace the very emotions that define me as an individual. If something feels right, I go ahead and do it else I do not . In this way, there is no second thought on what I have done is right or wrong, simply because my heart knows what is right for me in any moment based on my emotional needs, body needs etc… Ofcourse, this means I live a simple life where happiness, peace and love means a lot to me than money. If you have not figured it out, I listen to my heart . 
Ofcourse there are times when the heart is wrong and the mind is right. But ultimately it all boils down to one single thing - when to listen to the heart and when to listen to the mind. Once you figure this out, life will be very simple nd eazzzyy… take it eazzyyy….!!!! :) :) :)

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